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Frequently Asked Questions
Your Questions. Professional Answers.
Looking for more information about our services? Scroll below to review a collection of some of the most common questions people have asked us in the past. If you aren’t able to find what you’re looking for, please get in touch. We are here to help.
Is my pet too old to be trained?
Old dogs CAN learn new tricks! We are happy to offer our services to young and old. If there are specific health concerns regarding your pet, please be sure to discuss them with your trainer during the initial consultation.
What is your approach to pet training?
We keep it positive! Food, toys, affection, and clickers are #1. If a dog doesn't learn well we can humanely communicate using or e-collar or prong. Not every dog learns and communicates the same. Just like some humans are visual learners and some are hands-on learners. We evaluate the dog and decide what approach would be most successful for dog and parents.
How is your approach different than most when using an E-collar?
Caller's Canines does not use an e-collar as punishment or to correct behavior. Instead, we use the e-collar to communicate effectively with the dog. We use very low stimulation to give commands; sit, down, come. This is the most successful method with training. It is the most clear and consistent form. Years of research show when used correctly it improves a dog's confidence, quality and enjoyment of training, and results that stick. We will never use the e-collar as punishment or in any negative manner.
Which of your services is right for me?
Each training session is tailored to meet your specific needs. A training plan will be developed and agreed to during the initial consultation.